19 Feb 2025

Calling all Grad Students! New Initiatives Competition!

The ICMA is eager to serve the needs of our expanding community (memberships are at a record high!). To this end, we have created a New Initiatives Working Group (NIWG). The NIWG seeks to progress how the ICMA facilitates professional gatherings, encourages international public engagement with medieval art, and supports scholarly study and outreach strategies in both the real and virtual worlds. We want to hear your ideas about what we can do in the coming months and years to help our members and the field of medieval art history.  

Recognizing that graduate students are the future of the field and often have creative approaches to intellectual and professional life, we are holding a competition for the best initiative ideaDream big!

If you are a graduate student, please submit your suggestion here, where you will find a slot for a 150-word description of your idea. Deadline: September 30, 2020. You must be an ICMA member. Only one entry per person. The NIWG will assess the proposals based on originality, viability, and relevance to the field. 

The winner will be notified by November 30, 2020 and will receive 400 USD as an expression of our gratitude. No further involvement is required of the winner beyond the idea submission. 

Beyond this competition, we welcome ideas from across the ICMA membership. Please go to “ACTION” on the ICMA website and you will find a link for the New Initiatives Working Group.

Best wishes,

The ICMA New Initiatives Working Group
Debra Strickland (Chair)
Laura Tillery
Francesca dell’Acqua
James Sigman
Kathryn Gerry
Sherry Lindquist